How do you choose your web server platform?

If your website is purely make up of static web pages (i.e. HTML files), then any web hosting platform will work fine for you. However, if your website allows dynamic content, you will most likely need to run specific server-side functionality such as CGI scripts, JSP, ASP, SSI or PHP. In this case, UNIX platform web hosting will be ideal for your requirement.

On the other hand, if you need to use specific applications that require Windows to run such as ASP, .Net, MS Access, Microsoft SQL server or Cold Fusion, then you will need to find a web hosting providers that support Microsoft’s Windows NT platform. Otherwise, all other server-side functionalities such as PHP, Perl and MySQL can be supported by UNIX platform.

While common programs such as Perl, PHP, Flash etc run on both UNIX and Window platform. Many other free open source software programs are available only for UNIX than for Windows. As a result, UNIX hosting is less expensive than Window hosting. So, if hosting cost is a big concern to you, then you should consider UNIX or Linux hosting.

If you have already decided on the type of design on your web pages, make sure you can find a web hosting plan that support your needs by reading the full features of the web hosting plan before you sign-up.

What are the benefits of having a Wireless router in my network?

1. The dedicated Wireless Router will provide more security to your network hence it will work as a hardware firewall between your local network and the Internet line.
2. Your network connectivity signal strength will be more powerful especially when you purchase a Router with two antennas.
3. It’s more reliable to use a dedicated Router.

What is the structure of building a wireless network?

The Modem receives the internet data signals from your ISP (Via ADSL line, cable Modem, wireless connection…etc) and convert and transmit those data to the Wireless Router via a Network cable.

The Modem is transforming the Internet data signals from one medium (such as a ADSL connection medium) to an Ethernet medium (or we can call it LAN which is a network type used normally for home networks which is the abbreviation of Local Area Network) to make the data understandable for the computers and the devices. The Wireless Router receives those data signals and transmits them to all the network terminals via wireless network medium.

You can setup your wireless network without a Wireless Router in case if your Modem has a Router capabilities like the most of the new internet Modems. The network terminals such as Computers and laptops have Wireless Adapters which communicate to the wireless network and complete the connection with the Wireless Router.

What are the wireless network components?

There are basically four components:
1. Modem: To provide the Internet to this network.
2. Wireless Router: To provide the network to the local network end points such as computers, laptops, printer …. Etc.
3. Cables: To connect the Router to the Modem and to configure the Router as well.
4. Wireless adapter: In case your computer doesn’t have a built in wireless component you have to have a Wireless Adapter

What are the benefits of using a Wireless network?

*Simplify the network physical installation (where no cables needed to be installed).
* Having the network signal everywhere without being restricted to specific cable terminal locations
* Increasing the number of users is so easily.
* It reduces the building's networking overall cost comparing with the wired network.

Wireless Network

It is a number of computers and devices connected together through Wireless connection via a Router to share information and to transmit data between them or for using the internet by many users using a single internet source.

Open Source vs. Closed Source Software: The Great Debate

1. Open Source Software Open source software can be defined as software distributed under a licensing agreement which allows the source code (computer code) to be shared, viewed and modified by other users and organisations. Cost Open source software is free. This is a huge draw card, and if your in-house capabilities are such that you are able to implement, train and support at little cost to your organization it may be an attractive option. Having said that, open source software requires a certain level of technical expertise in order to manage content.

It is therefore important to take into consideration the costs incurred once the software is obtained may be substantial unless the resources are already in place to manage it. Long term costs include the cost of implementation, innovation, the opportunity cost incurred battling with service/support issues, and the costs associated with investment in infrastructure due to a general inability to scale (assuming the organisation will grow and develop and will therefore have evolving requirements). Notably, open source software providers are increasingly charging for add- ons, additional services and integration.

The total cost of ownership for open source software may roughly equal some closed source options as a result. Service and Support Service is one of the key issues regarding open source software. Open source software relies on its online community network to deliver support via forums and blogs. While there are massive, loyal and engaged online communities that users can turn to, time-poor consumers of today are familiar with the immediate service and support that enables issues to be resolved in a timely manner, and these communities cannot guarantee the high level of responsive service and support proprietary software can offer.

Innovation Open source software enables innovation by providing users with the freedom and flexibility to adapt the software to suit, without restriction. However, innovation may or may not be passed on to all users of the software. It is a user’s prerogative whether they wish to share their innovation with any online communities, and users must be actively participating in these communities to become aware of such innovations. It has been debated whether customized changes to the original source code limit the future support and growth of the software, as these can potentially result in a limited ability to apply future updates, fixes or modules aimed at improving the software, leaving the user with a version that may have irresolvable issues.

It is relevant to note that open source software providers generally struggle to attract large scale R&D. Usability Open source software has been highly criticized for its lack of usability, as generally, the technology is not reviewed by usability experts and does not cater to the vast majority of computer users. Open source software is generally developer-centric, and without system administration experience or the knowledge required to manipulate programming language, use of the software and ability to fix errors as they arise is often limited to those with technical expertise. Furthermore, open source software does not legally require documentation such as user manuals or guides, hindering the creation of such tools.

When documentation is provided, it is often general, containing implicit jargon, inhibiting learning. Without adequate documentation users must rely on alternative means such as online communities, assuming they are capable of finding them and the problem is one others have encountered or are willing to help resolve. Security Open source software is often viewed as having security issues. New data from Forrester Research has shown that 58% of IT Executives and technology decision makers in large companies are concerned about the security of open source software. Open source software is not necessarily developed in a controlled environment. While big players often have a concentrated development team, oftentimes the software is being developed by individuals all over the world who may not work on the software for the duration of its developing lifetime.

This lack of continuity and common direction can lead to barriers to effective communication surrounding the software. Furthermore, open source software is not always peer reviewed or validated for use. While users are free to examine and verify source code, the level of expertise required means that it is entirely possible for a programmer to embed back door Trojans to capture private and confidential information without the user ever knowing. Adopting a reputable brand with a concentrated development team supported by a strong online community will reduce the potential risk.

2. Closed Source Software Closed source software can be defined as proprietary software distributed under a licensing agreement to authorized users with private modification, copying and republishing restrictions. Cost The cost of proprietary software will vary from a few thousand to a few hundred thousand dollars, depending on the complexity of the system required. This cost is made up of a base fee for software, integration and services and annual licensin g/support fees. This cost may be prohibitive for some; however what the user is paying for is a more customized product from a trusted brand that includes higher levels of security and functionality, continuous innovation, a greater ability to scale, ongoing training and support and a lower requirement for technical skills.

In order to support these elements and maintain high availability websites, a mechanism must be in place to recoup the costs. As mentioned previously, increasingly open source software providers are also charging for add-ons, additional services, and integration, reducing the gap in cost between the two options. Service and Support if the internet is an important channel for an organisation, software is often a secondary concern, with service level and support structure requirements taking precedent in favour of maximising uptime and minimising downtime. Service is probably the greatest advantage of using proprietary software. Proprietary software providers offer ongoing support to users, a key selling point for users without technical expertise. If the user manual or guide is not enough, or if a user experiences a problem with the software, there is an immediate point of call to turn to for assistance.

There is a certain reduction in the risk undertaken with proprietary software because users are working with companies that are viable, and people with intimate knowledge of the products and services being used should any questions arise. Because service is one of the main reasons users choose proprietary over open source software, many proprietary software providers compete on service, increasing the b argaining power of buyers and thereby increasing customer service levels among providers. Innovation Proprietary software providers do not allow users to view or alter the source code.

While this may be viewed as a disadvantage to some, it ensures the security and reliability of the software. Furthermore, many proprietary software providers customize software for specific users to provide more flexibility while investing in R&D in order to regularly offer new products and upgrades. Moreover, proprietary software providers have online user communities that create value by sharing ideas, strategies and best practices through feedback mechanisms such as forums and surveys, which also foster innovation and allow the product to adapt with changing needs. This innovation comes fully tested, and is available to all users of the software. It does not require investment in R&D or the technical understanding of source code, and assistance with implementation is generally part of the package.

Because vendors must ensure their software does not become redundant, users also benefit from the type of targeted innovation undertaken- continuous investment in R&D rather than “innovation for innovation’s sake”, business focused rather than technology focused. Usability Proprietary software generally employs expert usability testing, and as the software is normally aimed at a more targeted audience, and therefore more tailored, usability is generally ranked quite high. In addition, detailed user manuals and guides are provided. This enables faster training and provides an immediate reference, allowing users to move along the learning curve more quickly. Supporting services include seminars, targeted training courses and extensive support to help maximise use of the software.

It is also important to note that while many people see proprietary software as “closed”, today’s proprietary software offers a vast array of mechanisms for enhancement by third party systems and developers. Security Proprietary software is viewed as more secure because it is developed in a controlled environment by a concentrated team with a common direction. Moreover, the source code may be viewed and edited by this team alone, and is heavily audited, eliminating the risk of back door Trojans and reducing the risk of any bugs or issues with the software.

PhotoShop Can Be Easy to Learn - Start Today

If you are a beginner at digital photography and want to learn how to manipulate your images, I recommend you learn PhotoShop. Now, there are plenty of inexpensive PhotoShop clone programs available for download, but that's not what you should be learning. If you are serious about digital photography on any level, you should be learning PhotoShop. It is the industry standard and one of the most powerful images editing applications known to the industry. Aside from just editing digital photos, PhotoShop can be used to create logos, design affiliate websites, design ebook covers, and design CD covers, convert photos into paintings and much more. If you are not sure about spending $800 on PhotoShop, keep reading this article; you might change your mind. Back in December of 1982, Adobe Systems Inc. was founded, but probably had no idea of how quickly PhotoShop would become such a popular application. Finally in 1989 when Adobe PhotoShop was launched on the Macintosh, the beginning of a whole new generation of photography was born. PhotoShop has come a long way since version 1.0, and is still being developed and improved every year. It seems that when PhotoShop has reached its perfection, yet another version is released. Some of the world's best photographers and digital artists use PhotoShop for every masterpiece they create. Some artists have used PhotoShop to make a living, creating stunning pieces of art and selling them for thousands of dollars. Now, you don't have to be an artistic genius to make money with PhotoShop. The good news is, you can use PhotoShop for some of the most basic digital edits and still generate money. It's just a matter of being creative. If you are a Photographer like me, it is essential to use PhotoShop. Without PhotoShop, you'd never be able to fix an imperfect smile, or correct bad lighting, or swap out heads in a photo. (My favorite thing). Seriously, you can do that! Once I was shooting some infant photos and I had shot several dozen photos of infant twins. I could never get both of them to look perfect at the same moment, so I just got their best expressions from all the photos I shot and then merged them into one photo to make the perfect shot. Adobe has drastically improved the features and usability in PhotoShop over the years, but for a complete beginner, it can seem overwhelming. So how do you learn PhotoShop? Well, there are dozens of ways to tackle the application, but there is only one way to truly learn anything. Patience and time are the two key elements. Unfortunately, there is no magic method to learning PhotoShop, so it will take time. You can't just plug information into your brain; it's not that simple. To really learn PhotoShop, you need a step-by-step video PhotoShop Tutorials that will help you every step of the way. Similar to learning in a classroom environment, you'll need an instructor to walk you through the most essential features. Without knowing the most essential features, it's like walking through the dessert with no water and no shelter. You will be lost and completely hopeless. After some time, you will probably give up and quit. PhotoShop is not hard to learn, but you will need instruction and video seems to be the method of choice when it comes to learning PhotoShop. The main thing to realize is that you CAN learn PhotoShop. It is not so difficult once you learn the basics. Without the basics, you'll be searching the Internet forever trying to find the perfect PhotoShop Tutorials . Youtube and the video sharing sites are loaded with PhotoShop tutorials. Yes, I agree, there are some fabulous tutorials out there, but they are just tidbits of information. You can watch tutorials all day long and learn small bits of PhotoShop, but you'll still be frustrated at the end of the day because you still don't know where half of the tools and functions are. Doing tutorials are great for experienced users or others who just want to freshen up their skills. To become a PhotoShop Master, you must first learn the basics; such as the menus, tools, layer styles, layer adjustments, filters, adobe bridge and more. Without the basic understanding, you'll only continue to get frustrated. Once you learn everything you need to know about the basics, then you can start watching freer video tutorials. This will help you expand your ability to apply amazing effects and begin to compete with the Pros. As mentioned previously Digital Photography Pros use PhotoShop, as well as many other programs, but PhotoShop is always the program of choice. If you want to make money with your photos, design beautiful websites and graphics, or create stunning artwork, PhotoShop should be your #1 program of choice. With patience and good step-by-step instruction, you will learn the application quickly. If you are interested in learning PhotoShop, we recommend you start with a PhotoShop CS3 Tutorial.

How to Master Photography Using PhotoShop and PhotoShop Tutorials

Those who are into digital photography are almost certainly experts when it comes to PhotoShop. This software is essential in editing normal photos in order to achieve perfect and artistic photographs using different kinds of effects such as the appropriate color saturation. However, not all individuals have the knowledge when it comes to PhotoShop and a lot of people want to know how to transform a simple photograph into an artistic piece. If you want to learn the tricks of PhotoShop, you just have to use certain books and PhotoShop tutorials. Most people rely in PhotoShop tutorials especially in learning new things because with PhotoShop tutorials, they do not need to go through different books and seek advice from their friends. PhotoShop tutorials are designed to help everyone be familiar with the software. You can find these free tutorials on the Internet, which are usually divided into numerous categories for you to be able to use them faster and easier. Categories include photography tutorials, the basics category, special effects, texturing category and web design tutorials. There are other websites providing different versions of the program where you can learn the entire set of lessons made for the type of PhotoShop you use. With PhotoShop tutorials, you can easily learn tricks and techniques in video, graphics, films and special effects. There are countless websites that offer PhotoShop tutorials. If you are just starting to learn the basics, there are tutorials that are developed for those needs. You can easily learn how to make simple changes such as how to remove red eyes, change hair color, know the importance of layers, retouching pictures and knowing information about different tools necessary for photograph modifications. If you are in need of comprehensive instructions on how to use PhotoShop, the Internet can provide you countless websites such as, which can help you, learn how to manipulate and improve your digital photographs. Most tutorial sites offer downloadable files and instructions where you can get useful information. The first thing you need to learn before starting to create a new file is to know how to navigate the software. With PhotoShop tutorials , you will easily learn the different actions and icons found in the menu bar, palette, toolbox and status bar. Another important section of the tutorial is the part where you can learn how to work with your photos and existing documents. In this part, you will be able to learn how to enhance or improve your document and pictures in your personal computer. You can open, crop, resize, view and save documents with ease. In addition, you can learn different ways on how to edit photographs. One of the most interesting elements in PhotoShop tutorials is the part about the different tools essential in enhancing, creating and retouching photographs. In this section, you will be able to learn how to have fun with colors as well as know more complex tools including the lasso section tools, the wand, layering tools and eyedropper. In addition, Website owners can also benefit from PhotoShop tutorials especially in advanced tutorials where they can learn ways on how on create a hosting server using PhotoShop, make introduction pages and navigation bars easily. You can choose from a wide range of tutorials that are not restricted to PhotoShop enthusiasts only but also for everyone who are in need of useful PhotoShop information. Though there are hundreds of tutorials on the internet, it is recommended to focus on a the basic tutorial sites if you are really interested in learning something in particular and eventually search for more advanced tutorials. This way, you will be able to learn everything slowly. With free PhotoShop tutorials, it won't be difficult for you to learn new things everyday. Learning about PhotoShop is essential especially with the technological advancement. You may not dream of becoming a world-class graphic artist but having enough knowledge on PhotoShop can give you the edge in your career

We take a Look at Windows 7

Windows 7. In a neat little nutshell: It's Vista, but the Vista we wanted back in 2007. Polished, working, ready for whatever you throw at it, and with the endless UAC prompts forever banished to whatever hell we're meant to send well-meaning, but ultimately insufferable attempts to help us out We don't know exactly where that is, but we're pretty sure that Oprah record a chat-show there. Unlike Microsoft's previous operating systems, Windows 7 received a massive public beta. Chances are you've already downloaded it, and if not, at least at the time of writing you could still get yourself a product key from the website, should a 'friend' happened to have downloaded it in time. Even if you don't want to risk a beta OS on your computer, all this is a good sign that we won't be waiting long for the finished code, and that it'll be worth the incredibly short wait. Even now, it's incredibly stable, fully functional, and far more reliable than it has any right to be. Not only does this mean that the final release should be good to go out of the box, every developer and hardware manufacturer out there is playing with the same code, readying drivers, updating installation systems, and generally getting ready to go. This is particularly important, because many of Vista's initial problems were a result of the rest of the industry being slow to adapt to it, as opposed to issues with the OS itself. Not only is the basic platform largely the same, thus reducing potential compatibility issues, there's no excuse for anyone not to be ready. Our laptops now feature the 3D graphics support to handle Aero. Our desktop PCs laugh in the face of the system requirements. Put it on netbooks? We can probably get it to run on toasters. The most visible change from Vista is Windows 7's revamped interface. The Start menu is more or less the same, but the Taskbar is one continuous Quick Launch bar that keeps all your programs right in front of you. It changes things more than you'd expect, especially if you keep forgetting to do things like put your photographs into a gallery, or browse with several windows open at once. Overall, it's a good change - but can be problematic at times. Most notably, it's tough to distinguish between an icon you click to start a program, an active program, and an active program with multiple windows. Several apps feature other minor quirks too. As just one example, if you're running Firefox and close it after a download, clicking on the Start icon will only pop up the Downloads box. Vista simply pops up a new window. Easy. Most of the other interface changes revolve around tweaking the standard interface. Windows 7 is much better at serving up links to recently used content and folders, such as the Jump Lists at the top of its menus. Another feature we miss every time we go back to Vista is Windows 7's updated notifications panel, where you can go in and either switch off things like a program's control panel or updater icon, or at least tell it not to appear unless it's got something it needs to tell you. This clears up vast amounts of real-estate, if admittedly not as well as our suggested method: sending painful electrical shocks to any programmers who insist on giving their bloody update programs a permanent place in our computers' memory. (Don't ask about the second offence...) Finally, at least for now, Windows 7's actual windows are much smarter. Drag one to the top of the screen and it maximizes. Break it away and it goes back to its original size. It's a snap to make one fill half the screen, or 'peek' through it to your desktop, all at the touch of a key or sweep of the mouse. While Windows 7 upgrades the OS itself, not everything from Vista has made the cut. The much-ballyhooed but rarely used Sidebar is gone for instance, usurped by the almost equally ignored Gadgets, which has now been given the run of the desktop instead. Tools such as Photo Gallery, Windows Mail, Windows Calendar and Windows Movie Maker are also missing in action, with the idea being that you just download the free Windows Live suite that ties into Microsoft's assorted online services. This isn't a problem though, and means that when you do download them, at least you'll be getting the latest versions, complete with any added features. It also means that Microsoft has more of an incentive to keep building on them, instead of holding out for Windows 8. Despite the cuts, most of the classic apps are still around, and updated for the new version. If you love the Ribbon from Microsoft Office 2007, you'll be happy to see its inclusion in the new WordPad. If not, well, bad news. Paint has also seen an upgrade, dragging it kicking and screaming into, oh, at least 1992. At this heady rate of progress, we'll be ready to rock the artistic world with the latest image editing technologies roughly five minutes before the heat of the sun kills everything. So that's something to look forward to. In theory then, we're in for a good release. However, the devil is in the details - and that's always going to be more subjective. Speaking personally, and having used Windows 7 for a couple of months, I'll be picking it up at launch. The only showstopper bug I've encountered is a minor one involving my volume controls - Windows 7 tells me that it can't find my soundcard, but this isn't enough to stop it playing sound. If there's a disappointment, it's that there's nothing in Windows 7 that lets me personally do anything new, or even in a particularly new way. Speech and handwriting recognition aren't going to take over from the good old mouse and keyboard any time soon, I'm still too lazy to make proper use out of My Documents when the Desktop is available, and the only thing that happens if I test my monitor for multitouch support is an unsightly fingerpint. There are definitely features for more ambitious users - the new version of Media Centre is particularly good - but overall, it's all fairly familiar stuff. However, here's the important bit. It's familiar in a good way. It's familiar in the sense that after a couple of minutes, you're ready to use it and get on with your day. Where Vista repeatedly got in the way with its new features and flashy ways of doing everything Windows 7 keeps to itself and dials out the distractions. That's what marks it down as a mature platform, new features be damned, and why I'll be installing it on my computers out of choice, rather than the necessity I felt when Vista was talking up DX10 and its other landmark changes. It's not simply a new shiny thing, but a much needed second change for the Vista OS that's going to be the PC standard for a while yet.

What Exactly is Computer Memory and How Is it Used?

Memory is one of the core hardware components for the computer. It is the component that temporarily stores information (such as Numbers, Characters, Settings, Instructions, Files and so on) once a computer has started. The information is temporary because when a computer is switched off or restarted the information is deleted from memory. When a program has finished with the information, the memory it was using is released (not deleted) so other programs can then use that memory. Memory itself is a microchip (see above) that can temporarily store Bytes. The more bytes the memory has the more information it can temporarily store. A byte is just a number with a value between 0 and 255. It is a program's job to turn each byte into something a human and/or another program can interpret. For example. If the memory was storing 4 Bytes with the values 74, 79, 72 and 78 it would mean nothing to you. However. To Microsoft Word 2007 the byte value 74 means J. The byte value 79 means O. The byte value 72 means H and the byte value 78 means N. So even though the memory is storing byte values that mean nothing to you, Microsoft Word 2007 has no trouble interpreting (reading) those same byte values as JOHN. The same applies to other programs that interpret (read) the byte values. For example. A Paint program might interpret 74 as colour Red, 79 as colour Yellow, 72 as colour Blue and 78 as colour Green. Whereas a Language program might interpret (read) 74 as English, 79 as Spanish, 72 as French and 78 as Italian. It depends on the program. Either way, the memory will always see 74, 79, 72 and 78. Here is a diagram of the memory with the 4 Bytes interpreted. The logic behind interpreting byte values is like so: If the byte value is 74 display J (Microsoft Word 2007). If the byte value is 74 use English (Language program). If the byte value is 74 use colour Red (Paint program). And so on. In other words, the byte will always have its value of 74 but it can be interpreted differently depending on the program doing the interpreting. Programs that save settings files use interpretation a lot to cut down on the number of bytes used. For example. If a paint program had to interpret RED, YELLOW and BLUE with characters it would use 13 Bytes (R E D Y E L L O W B L U E). Whereas using the logic of byte values to represent RED, YELLOW and GREEN it would only use 3 Bytes (79, 74 and 72). Although the above concentrated on programs interpreting byte values that were already stored inside memory, the reverse is just as true. For example. When you type the word JOHN into a Microsoft Word 2007 document its stores (puts) the byte values 74, 79, 72 and 78 inside memory. The same with a paint program. Instead of storing the characters R E D (byte values 82, 69 and 68) it might store the byte value 74 (which represents RED in the above example) so that it is uses 1 Byte, instead of 3, every time you use the red ink. Basically, memory is just full of numbers that are interpreted by programs to mean Instructions, Settings, Characters, Words, Sentences, Numbers, Symbols and so on. ENOUGH MEMORY When a program opens it first allocates some memory for its own needs. For example. If you open a 1000 bytes essay file with Microsoft Word 2007, from a floppy disk, and edit it (i.e you change the word JOHN into PAUL) the changes are not made to the essay file on the floppy disk. They are made inside memory instead, to avoid wear of the floppy disk. If you imagine every time you edited an essay character (byte value) the whole essay file had to be re-saved onto floppy disk you would soon end up with a damaged floppy disk. Just changing JOHN into PAUL would mean four re-saves. Memory is purposely made for the constant editing of byte values. When Microsoft Word 2007 opens an essay file from floppy disk for example it first allocates (reserves) 1000 bytes of file memory, so it can store an exact copy of the essay file inside that memory - The original essay file on the floppy disk is left intact. The next thing Microsoft Word 2007 does is allocate some memory for its editing needs. For example. If you make a copy of the word JOHN, because you want to add (paste) it somewhere else in the essay, behind the scenes Microsoft Word 2007 makes a copy of the word JOHN by storing the word JOHN inside the edit memory. So you now have 1000 bytes full of essay characters inside the file memory and 4 bytes used inside the edit memory for the J O H N characters. However. Because you might want to copy a paragraph, an whole essay page or even the whole essay Microsoft Word 2007 has to make sure it has allocated enough edit memory for these situations. The same applies to the file memory - It might not be allocated just 1000 bytes for the essay characters, but perhaps 3000 bytes just in case you need to add more to the essay (i.e you start copying bits out of an History/Research file into the essay or you just type more characters into the essay). So the essay might need 5000 bytes in total allocated for it. Once you have finished editing the essay, which is in file memory at this point, you then tell Microsoft Word 2007 to save the file memory back onto the floppy disk as an essay file. A collection of bytes is known as Data. Microsoft Word 2007 sees files and memory as a block of data only, which means when it opens a file and copies it into memory all it is doing is copying a block of data from one place (i.e Floppy Disk) to another (i.e Memory). So when it saves the essay file from file memory to floppy disk it just sees it as copying a block of data from one place to another. And that is how you should see files and memory - as blocks of data. Once the essay (file memory) has been saved onto the floppy disk as an essay file the file memory and edit memory are released for other programs to use. The above is okay when everything is running smoothly, but problems arise when a program tries to allocate memory that is not available. For example. If you try to open too many programs or files at once they might crash (Freeze/Stop) Windows Vista. This would be due to the programs either not having enough memory to open themselves (i.e show their own windows) or not enough memory for their additional needs, such as editing files. For example. If there are only 10,000 bytes of memory remaining and two newly opened programs are waiting for 50,000 bytes of memory each they will be put in a waiting queue. Waiting forever. Or at least until another program closes and releases its memory, but it might only be releasing 4000 bytes of memory. In which case one of the waiting programs could use the 4000 bytes now available and then wait for the other 46,000 bytes to become available. On the other hand, the programs might get sick of waiting and decide to close. Either way it is a slow and messy process. This is why you should get to know the limits of your computer first before opening too many programs at once. Another scenario is memory corruption. Basically this is when a program misinterprets some byte values. For example. If a language program is supposed to read 74, in a settings file, as English but sees (reads) 77 instead. It would probably show text in a different language - Not much harm as you could probably change the language setting back to English once the language program had opened and fully completed. However. Imagine if a program interprets a byte value of 100 to mean you have paid/registered to use that program and a byte value of 101 to mean you are just trying out that program for 30 days. You might of paid £30 for a program that is saying you have not paid, but you are just trying it out. Incidently. This is one way hackers hack legal software...they change the software's data (byte values) so it thinks the user has paid for it. Apart from hacked bytes data is normally corrupted because the files (software/programs) came from a bad/scratched floppy disk or CD - The files can still be read as data (byte values), but as incorrect data. Unfortunately, a program will not test every byte value inside a file simply because it would take too long, especially if it was a large file. BYTE SIZES The reason for explaining memory to you is so that you get some idea of how Data is stored and how memory is allocated. In the above examples I mentioned bytes in terms of thousands only (i.e 4000 and 50,000) so you could understand the examples quite easily. However. The reality is that programs and files have become bigger and bigger over the years, to the point where you no longer say a file is just a few thousand bytes long. Now a file can be millions of bytes long. The same applies to the computer. Years ago the memory inside it might have been a maximum of 32KB (32768 bytes), whereas these days it must have a minimum of 256MB (262,144,000 bytes) inside it. KB, GB and MB are Byte terminology (jargon), as below: Byte = 1 Byte Bytes = 2 Bytes or more 1 KiloByte = 1,024 Bytes - KiloByte(s) is abbreviated to KB 2 KiloBytes = 2,048 Bytes - To work out KiloBytes just devide or multiply Bytes by 1,024 1 MegaByte = 1,024,000 Bytes - MegaByte(s) is abbreviated to MB 2 MegaBytes = 2,048,000 Bytes - To work out MegaBytes just devide or multiply Bytes by 1,024,000 1 GigaByte = 1,024,000,000 Bytes - GigaByte(s) is abbreviated to GB 2 GigaBytes = 2,048,000,000 Bytes - To work out GigaBytes just devide or multiply Bytes by 1,024,000,000 READ / WRITE When data is being read (i.e from a floppy disk) it is known as Reading the data (because it is being looked at) and when data has been read it is known as Read (because it has been looked at). When data is being saved it is known as Writing the data (because it is being written onto something, such as: a floppy disk) and when data has been saved it is known as Written (because it has been written onto something, such as: a floppy disk). ROM / RAM Memory is known by two types. ROM (Read Only Memory) which means hardware and software can only read the byte values stored inside rom memory and RAM (Read Access Memory) which means hardware and software can not only read the byte values stored inside ram memory but they can also, temporarily, change the byte values stored inside ram memory. ROM memory is a microchip on a motherboard (green microchip board), such as a Modem motherboard, that contains the instructions (byte values) needed to make the hardware (Modem) work. This is why ROM memory cannot have its byte values changed. The instructions (byte values) are preprogrammed onto the microchip, so that when you first switch on the computer the instructions (byte values) are always the same. RAM memory is a microchip that is permanently fitted onto a Card (small motherboard), such as a Graphics Card or Memory Card, or a single removable microchip that you attach to the main motherboard. The main motherboard is the big green microchip board inside the computer (base unit). RAM memory can have its byte values temporarily changed, and read, so that you can change Graphics settings (Graphics Card) or store data (Memory Card) for example. Even though RAM memory is cleared when you switch off or restart the computer, because it is meant as a temporary storage place only, the data inside the memory is normally saved by a program (as a file) beforehand. For example. If you change the Modem (hardware) settings using a modem program it will save your changes as a settings file on the hard drive before the computer is switched off or restarted. When the computer is switched on again the modem uses its default (normal, preprogrammed) settings before looking at, and using, the settings from the saved settings file. The modem uses its default settings first for two reasons. One is so that it knows it is setup correctly (by using its normal, manufacturer's, preprogrammed settings) and two is in case the settings file is corrupt, damaged or missing. If it reads a settings file incorrectly (i.e because it is corrupt) you may get problems with the modem or it may revert back to its default settings. VIRTUAL MEMORY When Windows Vista finally runs out memory, or when it cannot fit something really big inside memory as one piece, it starts using a thing called Virtual Memory, which is Hard Drive space that is used as memory. For example. Imagine you have just typed out a 10,000 line document using Microsoft Word 2007 and then you run out memory. Instead of Windows Vista telling you "You cannot type anything else - No more Memory available" it will just let you carry on typing as normal. This is because the rest of your typing will be stored on the hard drive as a file, which you have no access to. As far as you are concerned you are just typing a document and so do not have to worry about virtual memory. However. You should be aware that over time this wears out the hard drive. So always make sure you have plenty of memory. GRAPHICS MEMORY Graphics Memory is the memory that stores your Imagery (Desktop Picture, Game Scenes, Photographs, Icons, Text and so on). It is a microchip on the Graphics Card. The main job of a graphics card is to store Imagery inside its graphics memory and then display that imagery, on the monitor screen, when a program asks it to. For example. If you are editing a photograph the paint package would of allocated some of the graphics memory as file memory (for the original photograph) and some of the graphics memory as edit memory (for editing purposes) - In the same way the file memory and edit memory was allocated in the Microsoft Word 2007 explanation above. The graphics card will not only display the photograph (file memory) on the monitor screen, but it will also update (refresh) the monitor screen instantly every time you edit the photograph. In the same way that Microsoft Word 2007 updates instantly any changes you make to a document. Graphics memory is also in charge of storing other imagery. For example. If you have one game open, a paint program open and the Internet open it is graphics memory storing the imagery of those three programs. The more programs open that use graphics memory the more tasks (jobs) you are giving the graphics card. Meaning. If you give it too much to do and/or it runs out of graphics memory it will not be able to update the monitor screen quick enough, which means editing and game playing for example will not be instant. The monitor screen will update (draw the imagery) so slowly that it would not be worth editing a photograph or playing a game. A normal sign of this is when the monitor screen is updated (drawn) line by line as opposed to instantly. So get a good Graphics Card with plenty of Graphics Memory because the one built into the computer might not be good enough for your needs. MEMORY SPECIFICATIONS Memory Size is measured in multiples of 8 MegaBytes (i.e 256MB, 512MB and 1024MB), which means you could never have 274MB or 519MB for example, and Memory Speed is measured in MegaHertz (Mhz). Computers made before the year 2000 normally use memory known as SDRAM, which is now difficult to find because it is no longer manufactured. A SDRAM memory chip can either be 100Mhz, 133Mhz or 166Mhz and is named after its speed: PC100, PC133 or PC166. Computers made between the years 2000 to 2005 (approximately) normally use memory known as DDR, which is still being sold at the present time. A DDR memory chip normally comes with one of the following specifications: PC1600 (200 Mhz), PC2100 (266 Mhz), PC2400 (300 Mhz), PC2700 (333 Mhz), PC3200 (400 Mhz) or PC4000 (500 Mhz). Computers made between the years 2005 to 2008 (approximately) normally use memory known as DDR 2, which is currently the main type of memory sold. A DDR 2 memory chip normally comes with one of the following specifications: PC2-3200 (400 Mhz), PC2-4200 (533 Mhz), PC2-5300 (667 Mhz) or PC2-6400 (800 Mhz). Note. As newer/better memory is manufactured every so often the memory specifications above are just to give you an idea of the kind of memory specifications available - I have not mentioned every single memory specification out there in other words. The time overlaps above (i.e. in 2005) mean that newer memory was created in the same year. As most computers, regardless if old or new, only have two memory slots inside them it is wise to have at least 512MB in each slot. Using anything less is just going to make the computer slow. For example. The minimum memory requirement for Windows XP used to be 256MB only, but now that many programs like Windows Media Player have improved and use more memory it means Windows XP's minimum memory requirement is now 512MB. Remember. This is minimum. You should always aim for the maximum. Here are the minimum requirements for 2009. Windows XP - 768 MegaBytes (1.5GB or more recommended) Windows VISTA - 1.5 GigaBytes (2GB or more recommended)

Why Use Privacy Control Software to Protect Your Privacy?

Privacy Control software is a form of software that permits individuals to securely clean and remove the information that they no longer want on their computer. This is a very important and necessary tool for anyone concerned about the privacy of their data since many of Windows’ history and file deletion programs do not totally remove or eliminate the information. There are only a few software products in the market that enable comprehensive cleaning, deleting and shredding of the data from your hard drive. Two of these programs are Winclear and ParetoLogic Privacy Controls. Information, at both a personal and professional level, can be powerful in today’s environment. Many of your personal and business relationships of today can be centered upon the use of and processing of information. While there is much focus given to the security of information on our computers, there is very little or focus or worry about the information after it is deleted. Unfortunately, you can still be at risk once the information is deleted from your computer using standard Windows’ options since the deleted data leaves traces that can be recovered easily by anyone who wants or needs to obtain this information. To protect yourself, you need to be using privacy control software to completely clean and remove the files from your computer so that no one can gain access to them. These files include both visible and hidden files that you may or may not be aware of on your computer. Did you know your computer is a powerful recorder that records all your activity from Internet searching and browsing to emails sent and received as well as programs and files accessed and modified? Privacy control software is a must have to scan, clean and eliminate information such as temporary Internet files, searching and browsing history, Internet caches, cookies, peer to peer (P2P) activities, media player activities, instant messaging and chat conversations, online shopping and financial transaction histories. Two of the best privacy control software programs to protect your privacy and security needs are Winclear and ParetoLogic Privacy Controls. Both of these applications are all-inclusive and meet the key functional requirements of privacy control software. These key functional requirements are ease of use, multiple scanning categories, multiple inclusion and exclusion options, multiple file shredding options, online help and 24/7 customer support. File shredding options are very important to provide the secure elimination of data files. Typically, these options involve the number of passes performed in the file overwriting process insuring the data file is unrecoverable by file recovery software applications. A complete privacy control application will provide one, three or seven overwriting passes, one of which meets DOD 5220.22-M standards. If you choose either Winclear or ParetoLogic Privacy Controls as a privacy control software tool for your privacy and security needs, you will be making an informed and intelligent selection to eliminate your risk of privacy and confidentiality breaches from using standard Windows’ security capabilities. Would you like to learn more about protecting your Internet privacy and erasing your Internet or web activities? Check out now! Internet Erasers is an independent review site helping you make informed decisions about Internet privacy and security software. Our trusted reviews are created with knowledge and passion for the subject. Each product featured on our website is compared with its competitors for functionality, performance and value providing you with the knowledge to make an informed selection and buying decision. In addition to our in-depth product reviews we offer other helpful tips and advice to improve your computer's performance, privacy and security.

What are the Key Requirements for Privacy Control Software?

Are you concerned about protecting your privacy regarding your computer activities? With today’s personal computers and operating systems insuring your privacy on your personal computer requires much more than simply performing the history deletion functions. Today’s computers and operating systems are powerful recorders that trace, track and record everything you do down to the single keystroke from your Internet search and browsing activity to the files you access and modify. If you want to insure your privacy from other individual’s snooping then you should consider getting a privacy control software application. Privacy control software applications focus on eliminating all traces of your computer activity and insuring deleted files are destroyed and unrecoverable by data recovery software. A complete privacy control application should satisfy four key functional requirements. The first key functional requirement is the privacy control application should be easy to install, easy to use and not disturb normal computer operation. The software application’s install program should be driven by an installation wizard with limited configuration questions presented to the user. Once installed, the program should be easy to use with a simple and intuitive interface that steps the user through the actions required to operate the program. In addition, there should be only one screen for any configuration settings that are required to operate the program. The configuration settings should be explained in a straight forward, easy to understand description. Operation of the privacy control program should not disturb the operation of other application programs that are currently running. The second key functional requirement is the privacy control application should have a comprehensive list of computer activities to scan for possible cleaning and deletion. Typical areas to include for scanning are: * Temporary internet files * Search and browse history files * Internet cache files * Internet cookies files * Peer to Peer (P2P) activity files * Media player activity files * Instant messaging and chat history files * Online shopping and financial transaction history files * File access and retrieval history files In conjunction with the multiple scanning categories, the privacy control software should provide multiple inclusion and exclusion options for scanning and cleaning at the scan category, sub-category and individual item level. The third key functional requirement is the privacy control software should provide multiple file deleting and shredding options that meet government and military standards. Typically, these standards involve the number of passes performed in the overwriting process to insure the file is unrecoverable by file recovery software applications. A complete privacy control application will provide one, three or seven overwriting passes, one of which meets DOD 5220.22-M standards. The fourth and final key functional requirement is the software must include “help” information and 24/7 customer support. Despite how easy the software may be to use, there will come a time when you have a question that needs to be answered for proper operation of the software. The privacy control software should provide one key access to help information and troubleshooting tips. If the help information is not sufficient to resolve your problem, the software developer should provide 24 hour, seven day support in the form of Internet access for frequently asked questions (FAQ), searchable knowledge bases and email communication. Email communication should be responded to in less than 48 hours. There are many privacy control applications available for your selection and purchase. As you make your evaluation look for how well the privacy control software supports these four key requirements. If your selected privacy control program meets these key requirements, you can feel confident that your privacy and confidentiality will be secure after the purchase and use of your chosen privacy control software. Would you like to learn more about protecting your Internet privacy and erasing your Internet or web activities? Check out now! Internet Erasers is an independent review site helping you make informed decisions about Internet privacy and security software. Our trusted reviews are created with knowledge and passion for the subject. Each product featured on our website is compared with its competitors for functionality, performance and value providing you with the knowledge to make an informed selection and buying decision. In addition to our in-depth product reviews we offer other helpful tips and advice to improve your computer's performance, privacy and security.

Software Development: Outsourcing is the New Mantra for Success

They say profit maximization is the prime goal for any management team and those managers are successful enough who are capable of controlling their subordinates. In today’s web driven world, the role for managers has increased manifold. A project manager is not only responsible for bringing good amounts of projects, but also need to look after it besides making its final delivery to clients. The software industry has been going under severe competition presently and in order to sustain in the retrace, project managers are conceiving new strategies so that business goals can be achieved on the behalf of the organization without compromising on quality of deliverables. Most of the companies have chosen outsourcing as a means of achieving targets at without investing much on cost. In a recession hit economic scenario, outsource software development firms are still shoeing good amount of courage thus retaining clients. Software development firms generally need huge investments. Resources are getting costlier and all are asking for huge pay hikes. In such a scene, outsourcing has turned into a nice way of meeting the clients’ project requirements without spending much on labor cost. Outsource software development India is now one of the biggest and most trusted software development destinations in the entire world. Compared to the USA or the UK, labor comes cheap here and companies can earn significant amount on profits keeping quality of work intact. Apart from India, China, Philippines and Thailand have now emerged as good venues for outsourcing for the European software firms. Outsource software development firms are the best choices for all types of software development products. They have also proved to be reliable and less costly resorts for custom software application development projects. So, be it industry specific software development or application development for iPhone, outsource custom software development service providers are here to stay for a long time for sure. In the coming days, their offers and reach would be multiplied – that’s a guarantee. You just watch and see!

Blog Optimization

Search engine optimization is the process done to generate traffic through search engines. It became a need for websites because 80%-90% of visitors come from major search engines. Higher rankings mean greater number of visitors. The same concept applies to blogs. However, many blog owners are not aware of their chances of being more visible on the web. They just update it once in a while and that's it. Considering the great number of blogs on the net today, from personal to corporate blogs, all their efforts will just go to waste if they do not optimize it. Yes, blogs can be optimized, too. It should be done for the benefit both of your readers and search engine spiders. Although the process is quite similar with the standard website search engine optimization, it is a bit different. Here are some tips that you can do to start: Consider the Design It is not advisable to use the default template being offered by blog publishing sites. You wouldn't want to bump into a girl in a party wearing the same dress, do you? Same thing goes to blogs. You can hire a designer to do the work for you. If running a tight budget, you can always look for free templates offered by web design companies and you can customize it a little to make it unique. Optimize the Tags Use the most substantial phrase for your blog in the hard code of the title tag. Also, you have to double check that each entry's title appears on the tile tag. This is sometimes overlooked. Keywords You should always use your keywords in the blog post titles and categories. You can also use many categories in one entry if appropriate. RSS Feed It is best that you have RSS subscription button available on your blog. This would be more convenient to your readers because it will publish your recently updated work. If your blog publisher don't have RSS automatically available, there are RSS feed button creation tool on the net. But make sure that you place it where the readers can easily see them. You can put it in your sidebar. It is already on the blog owner's prerogative if he/she wants to full or partial RSS. Use Email Because there are some people who are not familiar with RSS feeds, go the extra mile and offer them something else with the same benefits. I'm talking about You can have your blog post via email. Free tools are also available online to do this. Compelling Introduction Introduction about the blog post is sent out via RSS feed. Make sure that it is compelling to enough to make your readers want to have more of it so that they would click the “more” button and read the entire article. Therefore, it should be interesting. Check you CSS It is common that blogs come with overwhelming amount of CSS or Cascading Style Sheets. The solution to this is to place it in an external CSS file to avoid clutter in the main template and for the main entry not to go further down. Keywords-rich Anchor Texts In placing links in other sites/blogs and even in putting internal links, make sure that you are using keyword-rich anchor text. Remember that it is always better to use your keywords than “click here” or “more”. It would benefit you when search engine spiders crawl your blog. Keep Your Posts Bonded If your blog post is somehow connected to your previous posts, link them to each other. The idea is that if your reader is interested in this particular topic, then he/she probably can also be entertained of a different story with the same subject matter. You can use Related Posts Plugin for this. Do the same in other blogs. If you see a blog entry or an article on the same issue, make them knowledgeable of your existence by placing a link going to your post. Purchase a Domain We all know that blog hosting companies will only be around for such a time. Once they close their business, they will be closing your blog as well. If that happens, where will your loyal followers find you? Or there are change in the domain of your blog host, it will surely affect your rankings. In case you have limited resources and can only settle to free hosting companies, look for those who offer to display your own domain rather than displaying their own like Wordpress and Blogger. Proper URL Naming Convention It is always a bad idea to use dynamic URLs whether on websites or blogs. You should always take advantage of any chance you have to use keywords, without keyword stuffing, including this one. Meaning, instead of using “”, you can consider “”. When you cannot do anything about it, use mod rewrite. Good Navigation If your blog is just a part of a website, it is not ebough that you a have a link going to your blog's main page. Use the sidebar to syndicate your new posts because the visitors of the website might get interested in your articles if they see the titles. Fast Page Load The amount of time involved for a page to load all depends on your host. There are some blogs that takes about half a minute just from the snippet of RSS feed to the full article. You can lose a lot of readers just because of this reason alone. Moderated Trackbacks and Comments Spammers are everywhere. They always find a way to abuse your blog by putting non-sense comments with links going to their website. It is annoying and it can also affect your rankings. There are numerous tools available online which you can use to moderate and avoid comment and trackbak spam. Don't just create a blog to share great information or to prove that you know a lot about the field you are into. Do not settle on the number of followers your blog has. Start to optimize now and see the great changes on the next few months.

How Can A Website Benefit Your Business

1. Why should you have a website? In order to succeed in today's world, you must have an Internet presence. More and more people log on to the internet everyday; there are billions of users world-wide and there are several reasons why one needs a web site. A website is a powerful first impression. Placing your business on the World Wide Web, gives your business the potential for global exposure, no matter the size of your business – be it large or small; singular or multi-national. To have your own website gives your business invaluable advantages, which is illustrated in the answer to the next question, viz-a-viz: 2. How can a website be useful? Website help you leverage web services for streamlining data transfer to and from your organization. There are myriad reasons for - How a website can be useful and why you should bring your business online? Some of them are, briefly, mentioned below: a. Enhanced customer convenience Your business concern can be more easily and quickly reached, every time a potential or an existing client searches for relevant businesses, products and services over the Internet. Your customers can always keep in touch with you and your business, just by knowing your web site address. b. Greater reachability of your business profile: Your business profile can be accessible from anywhere in the world. No other ad medium provides such global coverage. You need not depend on phone book entry or restricted yellow pages and newspaper ad presentations, any longer. c. Greater possibilities for promoting your business portfolio: People will not buy your products or services unless they know that they actually exist. You can tell your potential audience much more through a WEBSITE, than you could possibly do via any print advertisements, Yellow Pages listings, or TV/radio commercials. There are no limitations as far as space, time, nationality and residency are concerned. You can say as many things as you want, to as many people as you wish. And your business representation can be as resourceful as is the Internet itself. d. Efficient low-cost advertising: Your customers will always be able to obtain thorough up-to-date information about your services or products. Instead of having to rely on randomly aired TV or radio commercials, they can simply browse through your website whenever they like. e. 24/7 availability: Website is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It will be your hardest working employee, never getting sick, or taking a holiday. And you can rest assured that your website is always there for you – to answer your customers’ questions or to collect their feedback on your behalf. f. Time-saving: Prospective clients can learn about you and your business at any time of the day simply by visiting your website, so you won’t have to be present or involved with the process in any way. Your precious time can be saved and invested in other activities that can increase your profits and further enhance the scope of your business. g. Cost -cutting: You can save a lot of money cutting your costs on print ads, brochures, coupons, flyers, specials, newsletters or mailings. What’s more! Its always quick easy and extremely efficient to update real time information on your website; whereas regular renewals of printed materials turn out to be very expensive and time consuming. The fact optimized productivity at minimal cost is more valued in any business and it is possible only through world wide web. Web services provide a standard way to implement a business function that can also be managed remotely. It employs an effective exchange of information and data-feeds between B2B and B2C portals, information warehouses, news providers, shopping portals like e bay and search engines like Google, MSN, yahoo etc. Your website must work hard in today's competitive online environment — attracting visitors, providing a rich user experience and converting them into loyal customers. 3. What makes a site work successfully? Its a hotly debated question – “What makes a website work well that will genuinely help your business and attract more customers?” A well designed website can certainly lead to increased business. By following simple guide-lines, it is possible to create a good-looking website that will really give your business the best chance of being noticed. For your online presence to really count, your brand needs to exude credibility, confidence and efficiency through your website. A well designed website can certainly leverage your business processes. One can achieve this by blending strong design and content, with seamless functionality, and expert support throughout - with time tested processes. Web Designing is “a process of conceptualization, planning, modeling, and execution of electronic media delivery via Internet in the form of Markup language suitable for interpretation by Web browser and display as Graphical user interface” (ref- Wikipedia) Web Design can have a powerful affect. Web Design is important and it must be right! The right design kindles in a website visitor the right perception of your business. It engenders confidence and trust in your business. Success online is vital to the overall strength of your business. It’s essential that – In an arena saturated with billions of web pages, it requires innovation and expertise, to represent your brand effectively. Your site must be easy to navigate and simple to use. If your users and potential customers can’t find what they want, this will undermine your site’s performance, in relation to your business goals. Your web site should, clearly and concisely, reflect your business, values and products, since your web site is now the first point of contact for a new user or potential customer. A good and innovative design ensures that the site is memorable and encourages the viewer to explore beyond the home page. The web functionality and programming should use only standard, compliant, valid coding and also provide an alternative programming, to ensure that your site is viewable in any Browser and at any Screen Resolution. Most Web design and development companies possess skills in one or the other – rarely both. This is where ImagiNET Ventures web solutions differ, as we understand how to design a website that will most effectively present you, your business or organization, with your products and services. 4. What are the common mistakes of a website? Lets face it! If visitors get lost or become confused while attempting to surf your website, they might hit the back button, and look for a more user- friendly website. People do not like to think, when it comes to finding their way around websites. Don’t make them tick. You need to plan your website from stage to stage, and make a difference between between a very poor website and a very good website. Let us now see – what are the pitfalls inherent in designing and setting up a website? You may know some of them already, but by avoiding and correcting them, you can be sure to keep constant flow of visitors entering and re-entering into your portal! The list of most common errors is unending but invaluable for new designers, web developers and content writers – who need a list for their website spot check. 1.Site best viewed: New designers usually use this “site best viewed” with a disclaimer statement regarding which web browser or screen resolution they designed their site, for best viewing. It does not impress the visitor. Instead, invest in skilfully designed website that renders well in multiple browsers, and in any screen resolution. 2.Shabby lay-out and glaring design: Some sites are totally unbalanced in their lay-out and overloaded design. The designs do not match the page content and appears misplaced and misfit in the entire scene. Give your pages a pleasing appearance, with just the necessary facts and place your design out-lay with a professional touch. Always take screen shots of designs in different resolutions, before uploading the appropriate one. 3.Horizontal scrolling: The horizontal scroll makes it extremely difficult to read the content on your site, and often your visitors will lose patience and leave. Check your website in a site resolution viewer. A professional website can be viewed without horizontal scrolling in, both, a smaller and larger screen resolution. User's find scrolling from the top to the bottom of your pages, more clear to view and easy to read. 4.Free Web Hosting: This is a common web page mistake you definitely need to avoid. Often business owners claim that the business is "just starting”, and that is why they have not yet moved their site to a domain host. Do not use free web hosting if you want your business to be taken seriously. It reflects on your image and credibility. To resolve this issue, you must choose and purchase a domain name if you, already, do not have one. You also need to choose a professional domain host. There is no getting around this one. If you want to run a successful online business, you absolutely must have a reliable domain host. 5.Appalling Images Don’t allow your visitor view badly shaped or terribly cropped images and missing graphics files. Optimize your images, using the best height and width. Keep your files in the best formats - j peg for Photographs and gif for artwork. 6.Blaring and ghastly color schemes: Avoid using ghastly and loud colors that does not match your website concept and mission. Although your text may be easy to read, overly-bright colors distracts and repels the reader away from your site's purpose. Your designs must reflect class and designer quality, with state-of-the-art designs and pleasantly eye-catching color schemes for your web pages. 7.Slow loading: If your page does not download rapidly, visitors will quickly move on to find another site. Take action now to reduce the "weight" of your pages . Each image on your site must be correctly sized and optimized for web use. Keep your pages lean and fast for the visitor to move on quickly, with interest. 8.Spell check: Always spell check the text , keeping it free of grammatical error, punctuations and spelling mistakes. Without spell check, the site looks amateurish and shabby. 9.Ineffective Text Content: A major mistake is to fill the pages with long text, without any headings and sub-headings. Do not cram your web pages with loaded decorative words and hi-funda text. Readers do not have time to fill their heads with all details. Make your text more effective. Keep your text simple, crisp and to-the-point. Use decorative words in the right context. Your language should spell clarity, consistency and coherence in content, style, structure and font. The pages should be easy to read and simple to understand, with a smooth flow. The fonts should be rightly used, with appropriate side-headings and the text need to be phrased in short paragraphs, giving a pleasing feel to the reader. Your website must provide a clear message with a goal-oriented direction, setting you apart from your competitors. Your content should easily answer his question - “what's in it for me?” The reader must be able to identify with your write-up and find you as his 'partner' for addressing his solutions. 10. Absence of an Email Subscription Form: This critical aspect is often neglected by most website owners. It is very important to have a lead generation for your website via Email subscription form, for optimal business returns. Having a mailing list gives you several advantages like maintaining a visitors list who allow you to contact them, build a relationship, and establish yourself as an expert for solving their problems. 11.Using a weak message 'join my newsletter': Your content , design layout and solutions should be so user-friendly such that it compels the reader to subscribe your mailing list. Do not use a weak message like – “join my free newsletter”. The reader would wonder “Why?” and “If I subscribe, will you give me a bonus, or a free gift instantly, as soon as I join?” If your design and text work impresses the reader for availing your services, you would automatically get email subscriptions for a membership, from your visitors. It speaks on your credibility. 12.No Contact Information - Just giving your email id and the web address is not sufficient for your readers – who may be prospective clients. Keep your detailed contact information easy to find and easy to read. Inclusion of a site-map works wonders for your business. 13.Advertising – Advertisements provide huge revenue but it should be placed skilfully and with reference to the current times. Appropriate advertisements should be placed - reflecting the different verticals of your business. Do not overload your page with ads, especially the big flashy banners. Well placed, well designed ads are okay, if you don’t overload the page. 14. Prices –. Don’t waste your time, hoping you will get email inquiries on your prices. The moment a visitor sees your product or services, his prime question will be “what is the price of this item?” Do not keep the visitor guessing the price; it will give him an opportunity to jump into another website where the price is mentioned and you may end up losing a prospective customer. You need to include a price with the item description, if you sell something. 15.Under Construction - Avoid having a “closed – under construction” or “yet to open” website. Give your visitors atleast a single page of content, with a notice - when the whole site will be open. 16.Music: Include a soft and soothing music or that which is relevant to the content. Do not include music, if it is not needed. Music should not be out-of-control and keep the control buttons easy-to-use. Music can turn one's mind on but at the same time put your mood off, if it is not rightly timed, controlled and soft. The list of common mistakes are innumerable. The above general tips gives you an idea of what to avoid and how to resolve. By keeping your website design in good shape and ensuring your web content writing is in good taste, you will find more people visiting and enjoying your website! For more details on web design & pricing ---

Troubleshooting Internet Explorer 7.0 Issues

Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) is light years ahead of its predecessors, but by no means does that proclamation mean that the browser is perfect. You are still going to encounter issues with IE from time to time. Here are some of the concise guides that deliver some troubleshooting steps that will clear up the majority of issues we encountered with IE7. Issues with Internet Explorer 7.0 with solutions Problem: Crashes or hangs If IE crashes, the most likely problem is that there's a buggy add-on (Toolbar or Browser Helper Object). In order to verify and isolate the buggy add-on, follow these steps: 1. Start IE in No Add-ons mode, either by right-clicking the Desktop icon, or clicking START - RUN and typing: iexplore.exe -extoff 2. Determine if IE fails. 3. If not, use Tools - Manage Add-ons to disable all browser extensions and toolbars. 4. Restart IE and re-enable browser extensions one-by-one. 5. Once you've found a broken extension, contact the manufacturer and ask for an update. (Reference: If IE still crashes often, even when browser add-ons are disabled: • Please ensure that you are running the very latest version of your anti-virus, anti-malware, and/or firewall programs. • Please ensure that the drivers for your graphics card are up to date. • If you have Google Desktop installed, please ensure that you update to the latest version of Google Desktop. • If you have 7-Zip or other Windows Explorer extensions installed, please ensure that you update to the latest. Problem: Cannot connect to Internet using IE after updates installed If you see the "Page Cannot be Displayed" error after installing Internet Explorer updates from Windows Updates, it's possible that you have a 3rd party firewall installed that is blocking access because the IE files have been updated. Please see for more information. Problem: IE always starts in "No Add-ons" mode The problem is that you're launching Internet Explorer using a shortcut icon that has the "-extoff" command line parameter. That parameter causes IE to start without add-ons. Thus, every time you use that shortcut icon, IE will start in No Add-ons Mode. 1. How do you normally start Internet Explorer? Right-click whatever icon you're using to start IE, choose "Properties" and remove the -extoff part of the shortcut. 2. If you click the green START button, click Run, type iexplore.exe in the RUN box, then hit the ENTER key, IE will start with Addons enabled. Problem: IE opens small windows IE opens new windows at the size of the last closed window. If you find that IE is opening small windows, do this: • Close all IE windows. • Open one new IE window. • Adjust that window to the size you prefer. Do this by dragging the window borders. Do not use the maximize button: • Close the IE window. • New IE windows will open at the size you chose. Problem: ClearType Text appears fuzzy IE7 turns on a text-smoothing technology called "ClearType" by default. ClearType is scientifically proven to make text easier to read, particularly on LCD flat panel monitors. If ClearType looks fuzzy on your monitor, you might want to try the ClearType tuning wizard, which can help you adjust the display of ClearType. If you still don't like the appearance of ClearType, you can turn it off by unchecking the checkbox: Tools - Internet Options - Advanced - Multimedia - Always use ClearType for HTML. Problem: IE Startup takes a long time (>3 seconds) 1. IE may start very slowly if you have a huge number of sites listed in your Restricted or Trusted sites zone. Some tools, like "SpyBot Search & Destroy" will place thousands of sites in these zones if you use their "immunize" feature. 2. Follow the "Crashing on startup" steps above to see if starting in No Add-ons mode starts much faster 3. If you're not using a proxy, uncheck IE's "Automatically detect settings" option on the Tools - Internet Options - Connections - LAN Settings dialog. Problem: Slow Page rendering 1. Increase the connection limit. This tweak allows IE to make up to 16 connections per server. 2. Ensure that both "HTTP1.1" checkboxes in Tools - Internet Options - Advanced are checked. Problem: IE7 Setup fails to install Internet Explorer See Problem: My address bar won't turn green? IE7 includes a cool new feature that turns the address bar green when a secure site presents an Extended Validation certificate: If you're having trouble with this feature, on a site you know has an EV certificate: 1. Ensure that you either have the Phishing Filter set to "Automatic" mode or Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Security > Check for Server Certificate revocation checked. 2. If that doesn't work, install this: Windows Root Certificate Update and restart. Problem: After installing, IE7 starts then vanishes It's possible that one of IE's DLLs isn't installed correctly 1. Click START - RUN and type cmd 2. In the command prompt, type cd\ 3. In the command prompt, type cd Program Files 4. In the command prompt, type cd Internet Explorer 5. In the command prompt, type regsvr32 IEPROXY.DLL (Reference: Problem: Error message about PSAPI.DLL If you install IE7 and the following error message begins to show: The procedure entry point GetProcessImageFileNameW could not be located in the dynamic link library PSAPI.DLL 1. Search your hard disk for PSAPI.dll. 2. Any copies of this DLL that are found outside of the Windows or Windows\System32 folder should be renamed to PSAPI.bak. Problem: IE always goes to instead of my homepage If IE7 always goes to the RunOnce page on startup, even after you've tried to save the first run settings, it's possible that the mechanism that IE is using to save the settings does not work for some reason. You can prevent IE from going to the RunOnce page and cause it to go directly to your homepage by running this script. For more info, check out this Knowledge Base article.] Problem: IE always goes to instead of my homepage If Internet Explorer always goes to this page on startup, it's likely that you have an anti-spyware package (like "SpyBot") that prevented IE from correctly modifying your registry. Try running this script. Note: you may need to disable your anti-spyware tool temporarily for the script to work. Problem: On startup, IE always shows an error message about the AOL toolbar If you see the following error message every time IE starts: "Cannot find 'file:///C:/Program%20Files/AOL%20Toolbar/welcome.html'. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct." ..then you've hit a bug in the AOL Toolbar. Try running this script. Note: you may need to disable your anti-spyware tool temporarily for the script to work. Problem: I installed a "branded" version of IE7, but I'd prefer a "plain" copy without toolbars and customizations. An article on this topic can be found here: How to remove branding in Internet Explorer 7. Problem: Malware / Adware If Internet Explorer is behaving strangely (crashing, visiting unwanted sites, etc), it's possible that there is malicious software installed on your computer. As a first step, you should allow your antivirus software to scan and attempt to repair your computer. Additionally, you may want to try the following Microsoft tools: • Windows Defender • Windows Live OneCare • Windows Live Safety Center • Malicious Software Removal Tool You should also ensure your computer has all the security updates available at Microsoft Update. Problem: My searches are redirected to unrelated sites and I cannot connect to WindowsUpdate or antivirus websites If Internet Explorer searches are redirected to unrelated sites or search engines, it's possible that your computer was infected with malware (see the previous tip). However, if your computer is not currently infected with malware, it's possible that at some time in the past, malicious software altered your computer's DNS settings. DNS works like an "internet phonebook" that maps URLs (like "") to internet protocol addresses (like ""). To determine if a malicious DNS server is configured: - Go to Start -> Control Panel ->Network Connections. - Right click your default connection, usually Local Area Connection or Dial-up Connection, if you are using Dial-up, and left click on Properties. - Double-click on the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) item Check to see if you're set to something other than "Obtain DNS servers automatically". If so, contact your ISP to ensure that the address specified is correct, or set the "Obtain DNS servers automatically" checkbox. Then restart your computer. Problem: After opening many tabs, Windows and IE paint abnormally. See Problem: A remote user is having networking problems with Internet Explorer. How can I collect information about his system to help me to troubleshoot? Have the user run Netcheck and send you the log file. Problem: Overlong headers result in HTTP/4xx or HTTP/5xx errors, particularly on devices like routers or webcams Problems of this nature are usually caused by one of the two request headers in yellow being longer than the device expects. GET / HTTP/1.1 Accept: image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-application, application/, application/xaml+xml, application/x-ms-xbap, application/, application/, application/msword, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/x-silverlight, application/x-silverlight-2-b2, */* Accept-Language: en-us User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30618; OfficeLiveConnector.1.3; OfficeLivePatch.1.3; MS-RTC LM 8) Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Connection: Keep-Alive Host: These headers are dynamically generated out of registry keys. They can usually be trimmed by editing the registry without any important side-effects. To trim the list in the Accept header, click START > RUN > REGEDIT.EXE. Using RegEdit, navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Accepted Documents ..and remove elements from the "Name/Type/Value" list to remove values that aren't strictly required. Elements in red are of lower importance than those in black: image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-application, application/, application/xaml+xml, application/x-ms-xbap, application/, application/, application/msword, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/x-silverlight, application/x-silverlight-2-b2, */* A similar problem can occur with the User-Agent header. To trim the list in the User-Agent header, click START > RUN > REGEDIT.EXE. Using RegEdit, navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent\Post Platform HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\User Agent\Post Platform ..and remove elements from the "Name/Type/Value" list to remove values that aren't strictly required. Elements in red are of lower importance than those in black: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.0.30618; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; OfficeLiveConnector.1.3; OfficeLivePatch.1.3; MS-RTC LM 8) For more information please visit